Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 4: Thing 9

For this activity I looked at the Edublog Awards and really liked the best library blog- Hey Jude. I'd like to go back and explore that a little further- just not sure if I want to add it to my Google Reader yet- feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment with all of these blogs and newsfeeds. I tried out the various blog search tools and am not sure when I would really need to use them. I did remember reading about the Casa Grande High School Library blog in the SLJ and searched for that using Google Reader and Technorati, but found it easier using a regular Google search. As I become more familiar with blogs or need to find something I might use these, but right now it seems like there is more than enough for me to explore without searching for more!! This activity did make me want to set up a blog for my library as a way to share photos and library projects and activities and I hope to get started on this soon.

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