Saturday, January 3, 2009

Week 1- Thing 2

In reviewing the 7 and 1/2 Habits of Successful Learners, I think that one of the hardest habits is to Use Technology to your Advantage. Often it seems that problems with technology can bog you down and a lot of time can be spend in frustration. It can be very challenging and time consuming to learn something new, through trial and error, on your own, but it can also be very rewarding when it all works!! I think that one of the easiest things for me is to accept responsibility for my own learning. Once I get started (and procrastination is a habit of mine that is not one of the habits for successful learning) I really do try to go forward and get all that I can out of any program or learning activity. I am excited to learn all that I can and to apply it to my library program and actually use these tools and skills so that I don't forget them!

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